Submit a Nomination for the World Thrombosis Day 2022 Awards

April 25, 2022

The World Thrombosis Day (WTD) campaign is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the WTD 2022 awards season. Submit a nomination for one of our prestigious thrombosis awards!

Do you know an inspiring thrombosis advocate, patient, or survivor in your community? Did your organization host a successful event or activity for World Thrombosis Day (WTD)? Did you attend a spectacular virtual or in-person WTD event last year that is worthy of being recognized?

If you answered YES to any of the above, we invite you to submit your nominations for the WTD 2022 awards. Now in its fifth year, the WTD awards program is the leader in recognizing and awarding thrombosis advocates and organizations across the world.

The WTD 2022 awards place a spotlight on inspiring individuals and organizations who are dedicated to thrombosis awareness and advocacy in their communities. Tell us about a changemaker in your community who deserves to be recognized! See below for more information about each award and submit a nomination by completing the online form.

Nomination deadline: July 25, 2022

Judging Process: The designated WTD Award Selection Committee conducts selection of the winners using a ranked scoring process of all candidates. Please note that if a Steering Committee member represents one Activity of the Year nominees, they are removed from judging.

If you have questions about the WTD awards program or would like additional information, please contact Barbara Krolak at

World Thrombosis Day (WTD) 2022 Activity of the Year Award

The WTD 2022 Activity of the Year Award recognizes a WTD partner group or organization that has shown outstanding effort in raising awareness of thrombosis on a local, regional or global level by organizing an engaging and successful event and/or activity in recognition of WTD. 

Apply Now: World Thrombosis Day 2022 Activity of the Year: Nomination Form

Eligible candidates must be a WTD partner organization/group, such as healthcare facilities, hospital departments and/or teams, awareness organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), and/or advocacy organizations. Individual candidates will not be considered. The WTD event and/or activity took place within the previous calendar year (e.g., January-December 2021) in support of the WTD global campaign. Interested candidates may self-nominate for this award, or someone may submit a nomination on the organization’s behalf. Corporate supporters are not eligible to apply.

Specific eligibility criteria for the organization:

  • Exemplify a passion and willingness to build awareness about thrombosis in the organization’s community, region, country, and/or globally.
  • Demonstrate willingness to achieve the mission of the WTD campaign by seeking to increase global awareness of thrombosis, including its causes, risk factors, signs/symptoms and evidence-based prevention and treatment, ultimately striving to reduce death and disability caused by the condition.
  • Being an official WTD partner organization is required.
  • Organize at least one (1) thrombosis awareness activity. Both virtual and in-person activities are welcome and will receive equal consideration.
  • The event/activity should motivate others within thrombosis advocacy programs in communities and countries around the world and exhibit innovative approaches to raise awareness and/or accomplish advocacy goals.
  • Representative from the organization should be comfortable speaking to others about thrombosis awareness and the reason why the organization is dedicated to the cause.

The WTD 2022 Activity of the Year winning organization receives the following prize package:

  • (1) complimentary exhibition booth space at the next ISTH annual congress to promote the winning organization’s programs and offerings (booth space and location to be determined by ISTH)
  • (1) complimentary full registration to the next ISTH annual congress for one designated representative of the winning organization.
  • Full paid travel stipend to the next ISTH annual congress for one (1) person. Stipend includes roundtrip economy-plus airfare (to be approved by ISTH), five (5) nights hotel accommodation, and daily meal stipend. Stipend is subject to final approval by the ISTH.
  • Complimentary WTD activity award prize pack for use at the winner’s next WTD event/activity, including 10 WTD T-shirts, 100 lapel pins, and 100 WTD bracelets.
  • Ceremonial award plaque.
  • Feature interview promoted via WTD and ISTH communication channels.
  • Visibility on the ISTH WTD website, including dedicated landing page about the winning organization, embedded video feature, and press release announcing the winner. The winner will also be prominently featured on the WTD homepage and across the ISTH and WTD social media channels.

World Thrombosis Day (WTD) 2022 Ambassador of the Year Award

Nominate someone for the WTD 2022 Ambassador of the Year Award, which recognizes an outstanding, passionate member of the thrombosis advocacy community who is dedicated to building awareness about thrombosis in his/her community, region, country, and/or globally. 

Eligible candidates for the WTD 2022 Ambassador of the Year Award include a thrombosis advocate, thrombosis patient, thrombosis survivor, community volunteer, and/or a thrombosis-related organization representative. An ideal candidate is also a WTD registered partner. Please note that healthcare professionals and current WTD steering committee members are not eligible to apply. Previous winners are not eligible to be nominated again.

Apply Now: World Thrombosis Day 2022 Ambassador of the Year: Nomination Form

Eligibility criteria:

  • Exemplify a passion and willingness to build awareness about thrombosis in his/her community, region, country, and/or globally.
  • Demonstrate willingness to achieve the mission of the WTD campaign.
  • Lead or help support at least one (1) thrombosis awareness activity (either online or in-person) and make a meaningful impact. Examples may include: organizing awareness activities in the local community, hosting a virtual conference, sharing personal story with others, volunteering or working for an advocacy organization, volunteering or working in the healthcare field, sharing thrombosis educational resources, etc.
  • Motivate others within thrombosis advocacy programs in communities and countries around the world.
  • Exhibit innovative approaches to raise awareness and/or accomplish advocacy goals.
  • Comfortable speaking to others about thrombosis awareness and the reason why he/she is dedicated to this cause.

The WTD 2022 Ambassador of the Year receives the following prize package:

  • $3,000 USD donation to a thrombosis charity of the winner’s choice (subject to ISTH approval).
  • Opportunity to serve on the WTD Steering Committee as a patient representative for a term of up to two (2) years.
  • Complimentary WTD prize pack for use at the winner’s next WTD event/activity, including up to 10 WTD awareness T-shirts, 100 WTD lapel pins, and 100 WTD awareness bracelets.
  • Ceremonial award plaque.
  • Feature interview promoted on WTD communication channels.
  • Visibility on the ISTH WTD website, including dedicated landing page about the winner, video feature, and press release announcing the winner. The winner will also be prominently featured on the WTD homepage and across the ISTH and WTD social media channels.
  • The winner also participates in various WTD activities throughout the year.

Note: Please note that if your organization wins the award in 2022, you are unable to be considered for another campaign award for a three year period of time. Also, the ISTH will not provide additional funds or personal / organizational promotion beyond the award benefits listed. 

If you have questions about the WTD awards program, please contact Barbara Krolak at

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