We offer resources for everyone – get started here.
World Thrombosis Day provides a robust suite of downloadable resources available for partners in multiple languages. These resources can be used for a variety of activities and events, both in-person and online. Resources are FREE to download for campaign partners. The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) owns the copyright and trademark of the World Thrombosis Day campaign and symbol.

Share and customize World Thrombosis Day resources as far and wide as possible.
Toolkits and guides
How to illuminate a landmark.
Support the World Thrombosis Day campaign and brand your events and activities with campaign merchandise from our online shop. You will find everything you need, including t-shirts, mugs, bags, giveaway items and more. All proceeds go to the World Thrombosis Day campaign.
Interested in getting the attention of the media? We can help.
The World Thrombosis Day campaign is a resource for members of the media to gain succinct and accurate information from international medical experts on the front lines. Our award-winning media team works diligently to schedule interviews with campaign spokespeople as well as assemble relevant, updated press materials that are easily accessible. To learn more, click the link below.
Shop World Thrombosis Day exclusive merchandise.
Support the World Thrombosis Day campaign and brand your events and activities with campaign merchandise from our online shop. You will find everything you need, including t-shirts, mugs, bags, giveaway items and more. All proceeds go to the World Thrombosis Day campaign.
Reminders for using World Thrombosis Day resources.
The official name “World Thrombosis Day” and the corresponding “Infinite Loop Logo” are registered trademarks owned by The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Inc. (“ISTH”) in the United States and/ or other countries. These marks and other variants have been officially adopted by the ISTH for use globally. They may be used by official partners and supporters of the World Thrombosis Day campaign with the permission of the ISTH and only in accordance with the guidelines established by the ISTH for the use of its marks.
Please note that country specific websites using the World Thrombosis Day name are not owned/supported by the ISTH.
This Site includes copyrighted materials, such as literary and artistic works in the form of animations, photographs, graphics, images, videos, text, music, and sounds, database rights, and may contain registered trademarks, or design rights belonging to ISTH or any third parties (“Proprietary Rights”).
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