Light Up World Thrombosis Day with a Landmark Illumination

July 23, 2024

Light Up World Thrombosis Day with a Landmark Illumination

Illuminate a local landmark to celebrate World Thrombosis Day and boost awareness on a grand scale. Follow our guide to light up a monument, bridge, or fountain in your city. For detailed instructions, download the official WTD Illumination How-To Guide from our resource library.

Choose Your Landmark Select a prominent landmark in your city—such as a monument, bridge, statue, or fountain—to highlight World Thrombosis Day and spread awareness locally.

Plan Ahead Landmarks often receive numerous illumination requests for various causes. By reaching out early, you increase your chances of securing a spot for WTD. If October 13 is not available, ask if it can be illuminated the week before or after.

Landmarks Previously Illuminated for Awareness

  • The Coliseum – Rome
  • House of Parliament – London
  • Sydney Opera House – Australia
  • Table Mountain – Cape Town
  • Empire State Building – New York
  • Niagara Falls – Canada
  • Cristo Redentor – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Crystal Hall – Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Osaka Castle – Japan
  • Nelson Mandela Bridge – South Africa
  • Princes Palace – Monaco
  • Taipei 101 Tower – Taipei City, Taiwan
  • The Great Pyramids – Egypt
  • Old Parliament Building – Australia
  • La Basilica de la Sagrada Familia – Barcelona, Spain
  • Parliamentary Precinct – Ottawa, Canada

Schedule the Illumination Request to light up the monument on World Thrombosis Day, Sunday, October 13. If this date is unavailable, aim for the week leading up to it.

Contact the Right Person Find the appropriate contact by checking the landmark’s website. Reach out to the operations or building management department. If necessary, the publicity department can direct you to the right person. Most landmarks have a website where you can find additional information.

Promote Your Event Once your landmark illumination is confirmed, submit it to the World Thrombosis Day website with your event details. Promote it on social media using hashtags like #WTDay24, #KnowThrombosis, and #KeepLifeFlowing. Send the World Thrombosis Day press release to local TV and radio stations.

Celebrate and Share: On the day of the illumination, consider hosting a celebration party. Capture the moment with photos and share them with the campaign.

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