Another Major Partner Joins the World Thrombosis Day Campaign as Impact Partner to Raise Awareness of Life-Threatening Blood Clots
Today, on World Thrombosis Day, the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) announced that Roche Diagnostics, a leader in research-focused in vitro diagnostics solutions, has joined the campaign as an Impact Partner. Last year alone, the campaign reached an estimated 4.5 billion people in an effort to shine a spotlight on the burden of thrombosis, also known as blood clots.
With one in four people worldwide dying of conditions caused by thrombosis, Roche Diagnostics is proud to pledge its support to the ISTH and its World Thrombosis Day campaign. The campaign’s commitment to raising global awareness of thrombosis, specifically venous thromboembolism (VTE) and stroke, as well as improving patient outcomes, closely aligns with Roche’s commitment to developing healthcare solutions to improve patient’s lives.
In its eighth year, the World Thrombosis Day campaign seeks to shine a spotlight on hospital-associated thrombosis, also known as blood clots that form during or after hospitalization. The campaign also encourages people to: 1) Know the risk factors of blood clots; 2) Know the signs and symptoms; and, 3) Be proactive and talk to a health care professional about risk and prevention of blood clots, especially if admitted to the hospital or having surgery.
“We are honored to welcome Roche Diagnostics as an official Impact Partner of the campaign,” said Prof. Beverley Hunt, O.B.E., chair of the World Thrombosis Day Steering Committee. “We are excited to work together to increase awareness at all levels – personal, health care systems, providers, and policy makers – to collectively encourage prevention and to continue addressing thrombosis as an urgent and growing health problem.”
For more information about World Thrombosis Day, visit To learn more about Roche, visit
About World Thrombosis Day
Launched in 2014 and held annually on 13 October, World Thrombosis Day aims to increase public, healthcare professional and health care systems’ awareness of thrombosis and, ultimately, to reduce deaths and disabilities from thromboembolic disease through a greater awareness of its causes, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and evidence-based prevention and treatment. The mission of World Thrombosis Day supports the World Health Assembly’s global target of reducing premature deaths by non-communicable disease by 25 percent by 2025, as well as the World Health Organization’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019–2023, the Montevideo Roadmap 2018-2030 on NCDs and the Political Declaration of UNGA’ Third High-level Meeting on NCDs. Visit for more information and to get involved.
About the ISTH
Founded in 1969, the ISTH is the leading worldwide not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic and bleeding disorders. ISTH is an international professional membership organization with 7,500 clinicians, researchers and educators working together to improve the lives of patients in more than 110 countries around the world. Among its highly regarded activities and initiatives are education and standardization programs such as its Core Curriculum, research activities; meetings and congresses, peer-reviewed publications, expert committees and World Thrombosis Day on 13 October. Visit ISTH online at
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