WTD 2024 Patient Ambassador of the Year Award
*The call for nominations is now closed. Winners will be announced in October 2024.*
The WTD 2024 Patient Ambassador of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding, passionate member of the thrombosis advocacy community who is dedicated to building awareness about thrombosis in his/her community, region, country, and/or globally. You can nominate yourself for this award, or you may nominate someone else. Both options are accepted.
The WTD Patient Ambassador of the Year has the opportunity to serve on the WTD Steering Committee as a patient representative for a term of up to two (2) years. This is an important position to influence the future of the WTD campaign and its mission.
Nomination Criteria: Eligible candidates for the WTD 2024 Patient Ambassador of the Year Award include a thrombosis advocate, thrombosis patient, thrombosis survivor, community volunteer, and/or a thrombosis-related organization representative. An ideal candidate is also a WTD registered partner. Please note that healthcare professionals and current WTD steering committee members are not eligible to apply. Previous winners are not eligible.
Eligibility criteria:
- Exemplify a passion and willingness to build awareness about thrombosis in his/her community, region, country, and/or globally.
- Demonstrate willingness to achieve the mission of the WTD campaign.
- Lead or help support at least one (1) thrombosis awareness activities (either online or in-person) and make a meaningful impact. Examples may include: organizing awareness activities in the local community, hosting a virtual conference, sharing personal story with others, volunteering or working for an advocacy organization, volunteering or working in the healthcare field, sharing thrombosis educational resources, etc.
- Motivate others within thrombosis advocacy programs in communities and countries around the world.
- Exhibit innovative approaches to raise awareness and/or accomplish advocacy goals.
- Comfortable speaking to others about thrombosis awareness and the reason why he/she is dedicated to this cause.
Award Benefits: The WTD 2024 Patient Ambassador of the Year receives the following prize package:
- $1,000 USD donation to the award winner to use for thrombosis-related advocacy efforts.
- Opportunity to serve on the WTD Steering Committee as a patient representative for a term of up to two (2) years. If selected, the winner agrees to be available to actively participate on the WTD Steering Committee during his/her term and understands its time commitments, including quarterly meetings, working group participation and more.
- Ceremonial award plaque.
- Visibility on the ISTH WTD communication channels, including inclusion in the official press release and announcement on the ISTH and WTD websites.
Questions? Contact wtd@isth.org.