World Thrombosis Day Partner Spotlight: Sociedad Mexicana de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SOMETH)

November 2, 2020






World Thrombosis Day 2020 Partner Spotlight: Sociedad Mexicana de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SOMETH)

Location: Mexico

WTD 2020 Spotlight Event: World Thrombosis Day (WTD) partner Sociedad Mexicana de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SOMETH) partnered with the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (CCINSHAE) to submit an official government letter encouraging all hospitals and health institutes to follow ISTH and WTD recommendations on the prevention and treatment of  patients with COVID-19 associated thrombosis, as well as cancer-associated thrombosis. 

This milestone achievement is a great advancement underscoring the WTD mission in Latin America, moving one step closer to reducing death and disability caused by thrombosis. 

SOMETH collaborated alongside Dr. Gustavo Reyes Terán, Head of the CCINSHAE, to develop an official government letter encouraging all hospitals and health institutes to participate in and to consult the recommendations issued by the ISTH related to the prevention of thrombosis in patients hospitalized by COVID-19.,as well as measures of thromboprophylaxis in patients with cancer.

The letter was sent to all of the General Directors of the entities coordinated by CCINSHAE, including Dr. Lopez Gatell, the COVID-19 spokesperson appointed by the Mexican President, and the lead member of the task force addressing the pandemic in Mexico. In addition, SOMETH coordinated landmark illuminations around Mexico City, lighting monuments around the city in red and blue in recognition of WTD.


The Mexican Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (SOMETH) is a non-profit civil association, made up of health professionals dedicated to the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with any type of thrombosis and / or disorders of the hemostasis. It was created on September 21, 2015 as a multidisciplinary group, with the participation of 60 founding members: 18 cardiologists, 15 hematologists, 3 internists, 3 neurologists, 2 intensivists, 2 rheumatologists, 2 angiologists, 2 orthopedists, 2 general surgeons and oncologists, 1 clinical oncologist, 1 obstetrician-gynecologist, 4 clinical biochemists and 5 nurses, all of them leaders in their respective specialties and active professionals in the field of clinical practice, teaching and research. The justification for starting a thrombosis and haemostasis society in our country is the increase in diseases and deaths from thrombosis in the world, the lack of knowledge that exists among the general population and even among health professionals about this problem, as well as the call made by the World Health Organization and the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis to join a global thromboprophylaxis campaign. In our country there is some limitation in the education programs on thrombosis and thromboprophylaxis. In addition, the field of antithrombotic therapy is developing considerably in the world and there are many new forms of treatment and prevention, which need to be disseminated in our environment. SOMETH invites professionals dedicated to this branch of medicine to join as members and participate in the academic activities that are being developed.


Learn more about SOMETH: Sociedad Mexicana de Trombosis y Hemostasia (SOMETH) 

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