Submit Your Thrombosis Story to be Featured in WTD 2017 Video

September 1, 2017


Are you a survivor of DVT and/or PE? WTD campaign headquarters is creating an anthem narrative video to celebrate the stories of thrombosis survivors around the world through their own first-hand accounts. You are invited to record a short video on your smart phone/computer sharing your personal experience with thrombosis. The video will feature survivors from around the world in a variety of languages to show the diverse range of people around the globe affected by thrombosis.

Your video submission should only take 5-10 minutes to record and it can be recorded on your smart phone or computer. It should be in “selfie” mode with the camera facing you. 

If you are interested in submitting your video story, please refer to the filming instructions guide below on how to film from your phone. Please try to answer as many of the interview questions listed below as possible.

Please send your final video submission to the following email: or upload it to All video submissions are due no later than Friday, September 8, 2017. Contact with any questions.

**Please submit your video by Friday, September 8, 2017**

Recording Instructions Guide

Delivery: While recording your responses, please look directly into the camera. Be yourself. Speak with emotion. Imagine you are talking to a family member or friend.

Length: Please try to limit your spoken responses to short and concise sentences so we can include as many as possible in this short video. We recommend rehearsing your responses until you’re able to deliver a shortened version (e.g., a few sentences).

Framing your Response: Your soundbites will stand on their own, so please include the context of the question within your response (see response examples below).

What to Wear: Solid colors are preferred, but please avoid white/black clothing for exposure proposes. No fine patterns or prints as they can cause distracting patterns in video. Please no logos or artwork.


  • Make sure to orient your phone flipped to landscape mode, not portrait.


  • Your interview should be direct-to-camera. Please keep your eyes looking directly into the camera lens.

  • If you can, use a tripod or monopod for stabilization. Alternatively, ask a friend or family member to hold the phone while you record. The camera should be EYE level to you.
  • Record a couple seconds before and after the action or sound bites begin.
  • Getting good audio is very important. Move away from noise (AC units, fans, high traffic areas). If you are a soft talker, please speak up.
  • Is the room bright enough? If the light seems dim to your eyes, it is likely too dark for your camera. Move to a brighter room if possible. Avoid placing bright lights, windows or other light sources directly behind you.
  • Speak slightly slower than normal speed for video. Enunciation helps the editor make you look great.
  • Practice in front of a mirror once or twice before filming, so you are comfortable and your answers are succinct.
  • Please shoot at least two takes for each answer if possible.
  • If you haven’t been on camera before, it’s always good to practice head of time. Have someone film you and listen to their feedback. Watch it. Watch yourself deliver and critique your own performance.
  • Most smart phones have either HD(1920×1080) or 4k options. Choose 4k if available.
    • iPhone 6s or newer: Open the ‘Settings’ app from the home screen, scroll down to ‘Photos & Camera’, tap ‘Record Video’ under camera settings, select 4k at 30 fps.
    • Android: Launch the ‘Camera’ application, tap the menu icon in the top left corner, select ‘Settings’, find the ‘Video’ section and tap on ‘Back Camera Resolution’, Select UHD 4k.


Signs & Symptoms:

  • When did you first exhibit symptoms of thrombosis, and what were those first symptoms you experienced? (Example: “I was sitting in a coffee shop and suddenly felt a sharp pain behind my knee”)
  • How did your loved ones react to your symptoms?
  • What was your course of action after exhibiting these symptoms?


  • When your doctor delivered your diagnosis, what was your reaction? (Example: “When doctors told me it was thrombosis, I had no idea what that was”)
  • How did this diagnosis affect you? How did it make you feel?
  • How did your loved ones react to your diagnosis?


  • What treatment did you undergo following the diagnosis? (Example: “I underwent surgery immediately. The ER doctor told me the clot circulated through my leg and landed in my lung)
  • How did the treatment affect you? Was recovery difficult?
  • How has thrombosis changed your life?

Awareness and Prevention:

  • Before being diagnosed, had you ever heard of thrombosis (or DVT or PE)?
  • What is your advice to others who may be exhibiting symptoms of thrombosis?
  • What else do you want people to know about this life-threatening condition?
  • Please memorize and speak the following facts about thrombosis. You may record one at a time with a break in between each line.
    • “One in four deaths worldwide are related to thrombosis.”
    • “Every year, there are approximately 10 million cases of Venous thromboembolism.”
    • “In the United States, there are 100,000 – 300,000 VTE-related deaths every year.”
    • Please read following taglines for campaign with energy and conviction:
      • “Know Thrombosis.”
      • “Keep Life Flowing.”



  • Connect your iPhone to Mac with USB cable. Unlock you iPhone screen so it can connect
  • On your Mac, the ‘Photos’ app may automatically open. If it doesn’t, open the Photos app.
  • The Photos app show an Import screen with all the photos and videos that are on your connected device. If the Import screen doesn’t automatically appear, click the ‘Import’ tab at the top of the photos app, or click the device’s name in the Photos sidebar.
  • To import a selection of photos, click the ones you want, then click ‘Import Selected’. To import all new photos/videos, click ‘Import All New Photos’
  • The imported photos appear in the Photos app’s ‘Last Import’ album.
  • From the ‘Last Import’ album, select photos/videos for sending (highlight blue).
  • Click ‘File’ > ‘Export’ > ‘Export Unmodified Original…’
  • From the popup menu, click ‘Export’
  • From the popup navigation window, create a ‘New Folder’ on the Desktop
  • Select your new folder and click ‘Export Originals’
  • Right-click on the folder you created and select ‘Compress.’
  • Open an internet browser and go to
  • Drag your zipped/compressed folder to the ‘Add your files’ area of the webpage.
  • When you are ready to submit your video, email the file link to:
  • For more help, visit: or visit:


  • Connect your Android device to your computer via USB cable. Unlock your Android’s screen so it can connect.
  • Open Computer/My Computer/This PC.
  • Double-click on your Android device.
  • Double-click ‘Internal storage’ or ‘SD card.’
  • Double-click the ‘DCIM’ folder.
  • Double-click the ‘Camera’ folder.
  • Copy the images you want to transfer to a new folder.
  • Right-click on the folder and select ‘Send to’ > ‘Compressed (zipped) Folder.’
  • Open an internet browser and go to
  • Drag your zipped/compressed folder to the ‘Add your files’ area of the webpage.
  • When you are ready to submit your video, email the file link to:
  • For more help, visit:


Do you have digital photos or video clips showing you in treatment and/or recovery? Please share them with us! You may send files using or send via email to:


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